30 Days of Journaling

30 Days of Journaling with prompts that can be beneficial, enlightening, and empowering.
30 Days of Journaling

30 Days of Journaling

People often think of journaling as writing in a diary about their day. In that format, people often find journaling boring and pointless. On the contrary, journaling can be about anything you want to explore from the past, present and future. People who practice purposeful journaling find it very therapeutic and find clarity and understanding through the writing. Journaling can also reduce anxiety.

I have assembled 30 journaling prompts that can be beneficial, enlightening, and empowering. You get to choose if you want the entry saved or destroyed and how long you would like it to be. All you need is paper and writing tools to start this journey of self-discovery.

30 Days of Journaling

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Jennifer MacKinnon

About the Author

Jennifer MacKinnon MA, C.C.C

Jennifer MacKinnon is a Canadian Certified Counsellor.  Throughout her career in the helping profession, Jennifer has supported people from children to seniors with various mental health development concerns through a strength-based approach.

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